From time to time I’ve touched on the idea that the country and world we live in today, is one colossal deception, a monumental fiction, the sheer ubiquity of which is hard to fathom, as well as believe.
Lies routinely masquerade and parade as truth. Deception, secrecy, and “need to know,” are now the rule, without question. “Authority,” “surveillance,” and “force” are now “the way.” “National security” has become the “safe” word that bureaucrats use to bail themselves out when the pressure to reveal the truth draws too near.
If truth will set us free, then why aren’t we demanding it? Well, some people are, and are still being denied. This article, published at (July 9), reports how Clayton Seymour’s request for his NSA file under the Freedom of Information Act, was summarily and unceremoniously denied.
Of course, the NSA isn’t alone in these shenanigans. All the Alphabet Agencies do it, in their own way, in their own context. We’ve certainly commented on it here with the FDA. The USDA’s policies on such matters as GMO (pro) and raw milk (con), the Environmental Protection Agency’s flaccid stewardship of such areas as lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, aquifers and ecosystems reveal a common allegiance to bureaucratic ineptitude.
What do all these agencies have in common? They are corporate entities, or “persons.” They are not living beings. They are run by living beings who think as corporate persons. Until one awakens, you and I would be living beings who have assumed a corporate “lie-dentity.” Most people are unaware of this assumptive event, as the indoctrination and training begins at the time of entry into this “civilized” world when we were registered as part of the “human stock” of United States of America Corporation. It continues throughout our “education,” not only what it means to be “an American,” (or whatever your Corporate Entity is), but also, what it means to be human, i.e., powerless, worthless, hopeless, and subject to government corporate authority,
It doesn’t stop, until we stop feeding it with our trust.
For some interesting reading, I suggest that you do a search on the terms “New York Stock Exchange” and “Slavery.” The registering and trading of “human stock value” didn’t end with the Emancipation Proclamation; it expanded. It’s not just in “America.”
For anyone who cares to take notice, the Edward Snowden debacle is a glaring example of what “America” has been for some time, but had managed, through destructive health policies, manipulation of the money perception, and war, to maintain plausible deniability because We the Living, trusted them.
The efforts by the management of United States of America Corporation to paint the picture of harm through the media, with no mention to the actual subject and object of his disclosures, meaning the actions of the management of United States of America Corporation, is an attack, not only on Mr. Snowden, but on anyone else who might have ideas about “leaking” information about their unconscionable activities. Such activities are happening everywhere. No amount of chemtrail spraying, GMO spreading, vaccine forcing, water contaminating, medication scripting, eugenics seeking or war perpetuating, is going to stop The Awakening, for it IS happening Now.
Where is the spirit of the “Land of the Free” right now? On lock down at Guantanamo Bay? Where are “the brave?” Certainly not in Washington, DC. Is fear how you want your “leaders” to lead? Even in the Trayvon Martin case, the true referendum being put before the public is whether it’s okay to let fear control your decisions to “lawfully” use deadly force on someone who doesn’t have equal force.
The virtually uniform pronouncements of harm in the mainstream media that Mr. Snowden has purportedly done to “National Security” – of course, without giving any particulars –forces public perception to view the situation only in the context of the harm of Snowden’s actions to the government, rather than the betrayal of trust that the government has done to the people it is supposed to be serving.
When you realize that the government’s intent isn’t really to serve the living beings that make up what we perceive as American Society, their actions make sense. Take an unbiased look at the government’s increasingly unilateral and adversarial policies and actions. It succeeds in serving the interests of corporate entities, and in fact, considers The People corporate entities too – dead corporate entities, referred to as “persons,” which it, or the entities that its managers actually report to, “owns.” Corollaries to this system exist in Canada, the UK, Australia, and most of the Western nations. I don’t know if this system exists in China, Japan, or the other nations of the Near and Far East, or in Russia and South America, but you see influences of a single totalitarian force in virtually all “government” blocks, by whatever name it is called.
I’ll say right here that fortunately, there remains a Single Force-Trumping Power yet within us all.
The degree that We, The People, not just of the area known as “The United States of America,” but of the entire “civilized” world, have been deceived, manipulated, bamboozled, and kept under control even while being encouraged to be proud of our “freedom,” is more fantastic than any thriller, horrific than any chiller, and sadder than any melodrama you could imagine. Mainly because the deception is both true, and ongoing.
With all that said, without a coherent set of facts, all one is left with is evidence of the deception, rather than the actual, meaningful proof.
Well, someone has presented a coherent set of facts. He calls himself “Marcus.” He’s Canadian. He has figured things out, and in seven video discourses, lifts the veil.
I’m going to leave it at that.
His web site is called, Servant King (
Below is the link to the first video titled, “The Perfect Swindle,” but it takes you directly to YouTube. You should go to the web site and get the context. If you’re inclined to watch the other six videos like I was, it’ll be best to access them from the site as well.
“Civilized” people around the world have been lied to for generations, are being lied to, to this very day. The need for “secrets” and “surveillance,” where representatives of governing agencies have an insatiable hunger for information – one that can never be satisfied – will only grow, as will their list of “enemies.”
The solution isn’t to “bring them to justice.” The solution, is to wake up and see the illusion for what it is, and see ourselves for what we are, i.e., the Value Creators and Holders in this World.
This is not a call to arms. It’s not a call to anger. It is a call to awareness, and to love. True revolution will not be “fought,” for it will involve a change of hearts, and a healing of all who choose to embrace the Power to heal themselves… from within.
Thanks Adam. think the SAME and, the most important – DO THE SAME from ur last sentence…and spread all around.
Thanks for the video links. I think “those who have eyes to see” are waking up fast now, and this information is a key part of the puzzle to the mystery of our true nature. We are studying the philosophy of “Voluntaryism” now, the idea that all interactions in society must be voluntarily entered into to be legitimate. It’s integral with a core principle: non-aggression. To be healthy we need to see when our thoughts and actions are beginning to invade the lives of others. I have a post on Voluntaryism up at:
There’s an annual “festival” celebrating Voluntaryism (and Libertarianism) coming up in San Diego on Labor Day Weekend –
I also recommend highly the work of Marc Stevens at – His first book (second coming out “any time now”) “Adventures in Legal Land” is full of the same kind of mind-bending discoveries as Marcus is presenting.